10 Dog Breeds That Get Along Well With Cats
It's no secret that cats and dogs have a long-standing reputation as archenemies. But the truth is cat and dog siblings can happily live together or even become best buddies. Maybe you have a feline and want to welcome a dog into the family, or perhaps you have a dog and want a new kitty. Either way, supervised introductions along with learning how dogs and cats can coexist will help socialize and accustom these pets to each other.
How Different Dog Breed Groups Interact with Cats
Although properly introducing your pets to each other can go a long way, certain dog breed groups demonstrate instinctive behaviors, which may affect how they tend to get along with cats.For instance, dogs in the Terrier Group were historically bred to hunt, and the Hound Group includes some naturally determined chasers, according to the American Kennel Club. Therefore, a running cat can spark this predatory impulse. Similarly, the Herding Group was trained to gather and protect livestock—and cats may not appreciate this group's instinctual tendency to corral other animals they encounter.
On the other hand, dog breed groups known for having low energy or easygoing personalities typically mesh the best with cats. For example, the Toy Group includes lapdogs who make great furry siblings because of their sociable nature, and the Sporting Group includes many breeds known for their friendly disposition around humans and animals alike.
It's important to note, however, that these dog breeds groups' personalities are generalizations; there are plenty of breeds within all the groups that can make great furry siblings! Explore these ten dog breeds that particularly get along well with cats. Be sure to keep in mind that the individual personalities of both the dog and cat play a role in the relationship, too.
#1: Golden Retriever
Golden Retrievers are one of the best dogs for cats, and "golden" is a fitting word to describe this classic breed. Kind and empathetic, Golden Retrievers accept cats readily as part of the family. However, this dog breed should be trained to not chase after the kitty early on. Once that is accomplished, the happy-go-lucky Golden Retriever and cat are sure to be a perfect match. Plus, this dog breed is innately amiable to other people and pets!
Read on about the gentle Golden Retriever.
#2: Labrador Retriever
The exuberant Labrador Retriever, or "Lab," is a lover—not a fighter. They will happily welcome a cat into their circle of friends. Along with befriending your cat, the Lab is a gentle giant who will make an ideal companion for your children. Though Labs are not the jealous type and are more than willing to share their space with the cat, the cat must be willing to share their space with the dog as well.
Find out more about the patient Labrador Retriever.
#3: Beagle
The amiable Beagle seems to enjoy feline company—perhaps because it was bred to hunt in packs. Therefore, it views a cat sibling as a fellow member of the group. Stick to one Beagle, though; together, these dogs may acquire a "pack mentality" and are more likely to team up on the cat, according to BeaglePro. Beagles' sociable personalities make them a pleasure to the family as well as other people and animals alike.
Discover more about the outgoing Beagle.
#4: Pug
A Pug is the epitome of a friendly breed and another dog that is good with cats. As long as a cat will allow a Pug to enter their domain, they often become fast friends. Because Pugs love attention, the kitty and Pug can bond and play while the humans are out of the house. Plus, this dog breed enjoys lounging around so you won't have a problem with them chasing your cat. Pugs have a sweet nature and are also usually safe around small animals, such as guinea pigs.
Learn more about the affectionate Pug.
#5: Bichon Frise
Bichon Frises have a happy and entertaining personality, making them ideal siblings and playmates with the cat. However, the Bichon Frise's outgoing personality may be too overwhelming for a cat who likes to be left alone. Therefore, this sweet dog breed will accept and befriend any cat who tolerates (or partakes in) its charming antics!
Check out more about the cheerful Bichon Frise.
#6: Shetland Sheepdog
Though a member of the Herding Group, the Shetland Sheepdog, or "Sheltie," is known to be cat friendly. Their mild nature, high trainability, and welcoming attitude make Shetland Sheepdogs a good bet for cat parents because they will obey you once they learn how to behave around the cat. Plus, Shelties do tend to bark when they are bored, so a kitty sibling can help keep them company and curb this behavior!
Read on about the athletic Shetland Sheepdog.
#7: Basset Hound
Although the Basset Hound is a natural hunter, it is more interested in hunting for dinner than hunting the cat. Basset Hounds can be stubborn while training, but their overall laidback personality makes them friendly toward other animals, cats included. Not to mention, the Basset Hound's easygoing attitude is often an invitation for the cat to cuddle up beside their furry sibling!
Find out more about the loyal Basset Hound.
More Puppy Photos (& Fun Facts)
#8: Poodle
All three Poodle sizes make excellent housemates for a feline friend. Toy Poodles tend to play with cats, Miniatures generally tolerate them, and Standards pretend they don't exist. This dog breed is dedicated to its family, and its protective instinct extends to the cat, too! The active Poodle behaves best when it gets plenty of exercise, so with daily walks and playtime, the relationship between the Poodle and cat can flourish.
Discover more about the clever Poodle.
#9: Maltese
The Maltese is sure to be kind toward the cat, especially because this mellow dog breed is often preoccupied with lying on the couch rather than meddling in the cat's business. However, the cat can be the one to take advantage of a Maltese's sweet and gentle personality. On that note, these two can live peacefully if the kitty agrees not to tease the Maltese, such as playing with this dog breed's long hair. Therefore, be sure to keep a close watch when introducing your kitty to your Maltese and they will get along just fine!
Learn more about the charming Maltese.
#10: Boston Terrier
While Terriers are not typically compatible with cats, we can make an exception for this gentleman: the Boston Terrier, or "Boston." Although Bostons may engage in chasing the cat, this is usually out of fun, not prey drive. The good-tempered Boston Terrier is polite to kitties as well as other animals.
Check out more about the humorous Boston Terrier.
More Dog Breeds That Get Along Well with Cats
Along with the list above, additional examples of the best dogs for cats include:
- Boxers
- Bernese Mountain Dogs
- Cavalier King Charles Spaniels
- Irish Setters
- Newfoundlands
- Pekingese
- Pomeranians
- Cocker Spaniels
Cat Breeds and Dogs
Similar to dogs, there are cat breeds with unique personality traits that may make them more likely to accept a dog housemate. Here are several dog-friendly cat breeds and their key characteristics:
- American Shorthair – Playful, easygoing, confident
- Japanese Bobtail – Intelligent, active, sweet
- Maine Coon – Gentle, social, affectionate
- British Shorthair – Laidback, loyal, independent
- Abyssinian – Curious, lively, loving
No Need for Sibling Rivalry
So rather than having pets who fight like cats and dogs, it is possible to have furry siblings who peacefully coexist or are even companions. It's all about proper introductions, knowing the dos and don'ts of dog and cat peacemaking, and finding which dog and cat breeds will likely be friendly to each other and fit into your lifestyle. In no time, you may catch your pup and feline bonding and become the proud pet parent of two adorable best furry friends. After all, no one can resist a dog and cat duo!